7 Chakra Balancing Tea, 4oz.


*Chakra Imbalances can negatively affect your emotional and physical well-being. Once you have identified with signs of imbalance this herbal tea blend can help release blocked emotional energy, maintain healthy expression of emotions, improve digestion and promote detoxification.


Signs of Chakra Imbalance

Root Chakra- Lower back, foot or knee pain, constipation, depression, excessive worry

Sacral Chakra- Infertility, PMS, PCOS, low libido, unforgiving, controlling, lack of inspiration

Solar Plexus Chakra- Poor digestion, chronic fatigue, addiction, manipulative, low self esteem

Heart Chakra- High blood pressure, poor circulation, pessimistic, lack of empathy, judgmental

Throat Chakra- Hyperthyroidism, auto immune disease, asthma, passive aggression, detached personality

Third Eye Chakra- Headaches, hormonal imbalance, sinuses, poor memory, nightmares, lack of creativity

Crown Chakra- Hair loss, dementia, acne, eczema, learning disabilities, anxiety, self destructive, greed

What’s in it?

Gota Kola, Passionflower, Chamomile, Rose hips, Yarrow, St. Johns Wort, Damiana

Take 2 TSP for each cup of tea in a ball strainer or tea infuser. Bring water to a boil. Pour water over tea and steep for 10 minutes. Sweeten to taste with honey or sugar.


If pregnant, nursing or have any medical conditions please consult with a healthcare provider before use. We are not responsible for allergies or adverse reactions.


*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Pregnant women, nursing mothers, and young children should consult with a qualified health practitioner for guidance on using herbs and herbal products.


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