Cacao Maca Powder, 4.3oz


*This is the Superfood of Superfoods that is packed with iron, calcium, magnesium and did we mention Plant-Based Protein!!! This powder blend is the perfect companion for your morning coffee or favorite smoothie. It blends really well with coconut milk or even a chai pudding. Need we say more.


What’s in it?

Organic Raw Cacao, Maca Root, Vanilla Bean, Cardamom, Coconut Milk Powder

*Helps to reduce appetite and assist in weight loose
*Assist in regulating blood pressure
*Reduces PMS symptoms
*Detoxifies the Liver

*Helps to boost male/female libido
*Balances Hormones
*High in Potassium/Calcium
*Improves fertility
*Reduces acne breakouts


Add 2-4 teaspoons to your shake, smoothie or  beverage of your choice.


*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Pregnant women, nursing mothers, and young children should consult with a qualified health practitioner for guidance on using herbs and herbal products.


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